The DMV Has Highest Rates of Dementia In The Country
Per a recent CBS News article, “a new study shows that Baltimore City and Prince George's County have among the highest prevalence of Alzheimer's disease in the country. The Journal of Alzheimer's and Dementia ranks Baltimore second behind Miami, followed by Bronx County, N.Y., and Prince George's County. Maryland, as a whole, is first, according to the study.”
While dementia can't be cured, we can reduce our risk by making healthy lifestyle choices. These include:
Eating well: Eat a balanced diet that's high in fiber and low in saturated fat, salt, and sugar. Include lots of fruits and vegetables, especially orange, yellow, and red varieties.
Staying active: Be physically active and maintain a healthy weight.
Staying mentally active: Stay connected with friends and family, and engage in activities that challenge your mind.
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